Friday, June 29, 2012

Short And Sweet

I know, I know... you all read that title and thought I was talking about me today, didn't you?!  Well, thanks.  It is much appreciated.

However, I regret to inform you that you are wrong.  I was actually talking about today's post.

You see, these monkeys have had a pretty crazy, busy week.  With Sister being injured and still not healing like we thought she would, 2 visits to the doctor, Brother being run all over the neighborhood for sleepovers or just to hang out with friends (keeps him out of Sister's hair), work, daycare, not getting home til 8 p.m. every night, etc. etc.... we have not had much down time for ourselves.

My head is still spinning... not literally, thank god.  As I try to piece my "normal" life back together, I cannot come up with the time, energy or thought process it takes to write a blog post that will satisfy your needs or mine.  For that, I apologize.

I will be relaxing my mind a lot this weekend, and will be getting things back in order (fingers crossed) so that I can return to you all on Monday with a fabulous Monday Musings post. In the meantime, you can enjoy this pic of your favorite monkeys from... oh... about 3 years ago.

Please forgive me.  I love all you Monkey Manics.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend, and be safe!

Do you ever have weeks like this?  How do you deal with it?

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