Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 25: Something I Am Looking Forward To

Day 25, and this subject is not an easy one for me... especially on a Monday.  I could definitely go on about all the things I am not looking forward to.  That... I would have no problem with, what so ever.

What I am looking forward to is a whole different story.

Photo found here

Let's see....

I am looking forward to going swimming this weekend with the monkeys, some family and (hopefully) some great friends at a wave pool that I haven't been to since I was the monkeys ages.

I am looking forward to seeing where new business ventures get me and the monkeys in the near future.

I am looking forward to having a great week.

I am looking forward to the monkeys starting a new school year next week, I love new adventures, and love watching my kids have them as well.

I am looking forward to getting Monday over with.  Ha.

I am looking forward to the future... seeing what amazing people my monkeys grow up to be (and no... this is not me wishing away the time... trust me).

I am looking forward to paying off my car soon.  Always love having one less bill.

I am looking forward to fall... but not winter.

I am looking forward... in general!  New experiences, new friends and new everything.  No looking back for this mommy monkey!

What is one thing you are looking forward to?

Happy Monday Monkey Manics!


  1. Looking forward to a move and possibly some big changes in my near future (if it ever happens,ugh)
