Anyway, on to today's challenge. What do I want my future to be like?!
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I could go with the standard answers and say that I want to be rich. Live in a big house. Drive a fancy car or 2. Pay for everything with cash. And, as we all know, the list goes on and on. Trust me, I would be lying if I said I didn't want all of that.
I am one who knows, however, that my future depends on my now. I have to make the decisions necessary to get the future I want. While my focus is not (at the moment) on big houses and fancy cars, I do keep those in mind.
Right now my focus is in many other areas.
My monkeys: I want them to grow up very smart and to be stand up members of society. I focus so much on them. I want them to have an amazing future. Which in turn, will make mine amazing.
My family: I do focus on my family. Why?! Because they are a major part of my present and I want them to be a major part of my future. I love them.
My friends: I could focus on getting rich and buying fancy things, but where would I leave my friends in all of that. I focus on my relationships with them, and keeping those relationships strong, so that we can be in each others lives always.
My job: Like most people, I am not a fan of having a job. I do, however, put a lot into my job. I know that this is a very important part of me and the monkeys lives and it could be a big part of our future. I do not half ass.
These are my 4 main focus' as of lately, and probably will continue to be so for quite a while. In the end, though, I just want to be happy. I want all my loved ones to be happy. Whatever that entails, I am good with it.
What is something you want for your future?
Happy Hump Day Monkey Manics!
I want something more for me and mine. I want to go somewhere and see something. In the future. :)