Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 17: Put My Ipod on Shuffle, First 10 Songs

Can I just say that I love, love, LOVE music?!  It really does keep me going on days where I may not be able to otherwise.  Music has always played a huge role in my life.  Always!

Can I also just say that I do not have an Ipod... that belongs to Sister Monkey.  I do have an MP3 player... that the monkeys use.  I actually listen to all of my music on my phone... and no, it is not an Iphone.

Photo found here

For today's challenge, I was going to try to attach a link to every song as I list it... but let's be real, I am too lazy, and there's probably not many people that would click each one anyway.

Please bear in mind, that I listen to a very wide array of music, I do not stick to just one genre.  If I hear a song I like, I will listen to it.  Please also bear in mind, my kids have downloaded some songs to my phone, I will let you know if one of these pops up in our list here.

Without anymore explanation... here we go:

* For The Gold by Royal Bliss

* Whatever It Takes by Lifehouse

* Miracle by Shinedown (who is by far my favorite band at the moment)

* Little Miss by Sugarland (I am pretty sure this song was written about me and bestie monkey)

* Only Girl by Rhianna

* Let It Rock by Kevin Rudolf (brother monkeys all time favorite song)

* I'll Follow You by Shinedown

* Same Old Thing by The Black Keys

* Follow Me by Uncle Kracker

* Animals by Nickelback (my all time favorite band)

There you have it... the first 10 songs to pop up on my shuffle.  Love them all.

What is your favorite song or band?

Happy Hump Day Monkey Manics!


  1. I had to combine day 17 and 19...
    I can't believe I skipped a day.
    But, now, I can atleast get a day break!
    Do Day 20 on Friday!

    I love how your songs are just as eclectic as mine... All genres included.

  2. All time favorite song is Stay by Lisa Loeb! Love it!
