Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 24: Something I've Learned

Well, we have made it to yet another Friday, and we all know how this mommy monkey feels about Fridays.  It is time to celebrate this weekend.  Sister monkey is finally registered for Junior High (eeek) and now all we need are a couple new clothing items and some school supplies.

But, enough about that.  On to todays challenge.

Photo found here

Something I have learned, huh?!  Well, to be honest, this list could go on for days.  Just like the many others.  I have learned so much.

The one thing that I will share with all of you today, however, is a little different.

If there is one thing in my life that I have learned that I will carry with myself for the rest of my life, it is this...

Never stop learning!

We will never know it all.  But each experience we have... is a learning experience.  We can teach ourselves much more than anyone else can teach us.  By learning from everything we see and everything we do.  This is a tool that will get us a lot farther along in life than many other things... At least, I believe this.

What is one thing you have learned?

Happy Friday and have a great weekend Monkey Manics!


  1. I've learned there is really no help for these people are here, they make me bonkers. haha.. Have an awesome weekend!

  2. not here as in here, your blog, I mean here, where I am. ha ha
