Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Are You Grateful For?

I am growing.  Not physically, which is why I wear a lot of heels, or as I call them... tall shoes.  But in every other aspect of my life.

Today I want to show some gratitude for all the people and life experiences that have helped me grow into the person I am today.

First off, as a mommy, I am so grateful for my parents and all the parents that have shown me that we're not all perfect (hell, none of us are when it comes to parenting), but we learn from our mistakes.  I have realized through certain people and experiences that it is okay to make mistakes, learn from them.  As long as your kids are happy, healthy and getting what they need, that is what is most important.

Next, as a single woman/mom, I am grateful for past relationships.  If nothing else you have all shown me what I don't want, and a little of what I do want.  We can learn so much from past relationships... if we want to.  You all have also shown me that being alone is okay too.  While it may not be what I ultimately want, it is OKAY!

For my kids, I am grateful for their dad.  That was hard to type... Just sayin'.  Regardless of my personal relationship with him, or any past incidents between the 2 of us, he is still a great dad to them.  While we may not always agree on parenting styles or the like, our kids are AMAZING.  And that is because of the both of us.

As a blogger, I am super duper grateful for all of you that read my crazy ramblings.  You truly are awesome.  Blogging is my outlet and my safe place.  I know it looks weird saying this as this blog is new, but for those of you that read my old blog, you will know that I have been around for a while.  Over 15,000 page views, over 200 posts, and over 140 followers.  Not too shabby if I do say so myself.  My goal is to do even better with this one, and you can all help out.  Share the Monkey love all, share it!

Last but not least for today, I am grateful for all of my family and friends who support me in more ways than they will ever know.  You are all my rock.  No matter where I go, I will always take you with me.  I love you all to pieces.

Now, I want to hear what you are all grateful for today.  Please share in the comments section.

Love you Monkey Manics!


  1. G,day Monkey Mum...lovely post that provokes the old thought system into a kickstart :) Very nicely written.
    Being new to this game, I am grateful for the chance of meeting wonderful new people in places such as this...and realising you are not alone!
    And I'd like to wish you good luck for 'this' new place, seeing since I have not followed you previously...but I will now :)

    1. I am happy to have you here. I try to have a lot of fun with my posts, but we do have our serious moments as well. Stick around, I think you'll like us. ;)

  2. Those all sound like lovely things to be greatful for! Welcome back to blogging. I wish you much success with your new blog :)

    Today I am greatful to be a stay at home mom. My kids are now out of school for the summer and I am glad I get to spend the next 2 1/2 months reconnecting with them. (Ask me again in a few weeks and my tune will probably be a different one though lol.)

    Stopping in from the friend and follow hop and am a new GFC follower :)
    Theresa’s Mixed Nuts

    1. I am happy to have you here Theresa. I hope you and your little ones enjoy your summer.
